
Mad Max: fury road review

There is a lot of different kind of movies. There's the touchy and beautiful drama's, the scary and creepy horror movies, the funny and awkward comedy's and then there is action movies. Action movies are the kind of movies that makes you'r blood pump and your eye's to shine like the glorious gates of heaven it self. I personally know nothing better than a great action movie with testosterone all over the screen. Well guess what, Mad Max: fury road is that. And my god was it wonderful.

First you need to know this. If you try to find something meaningful and deep from this movie. Dont, just dont. Like the beginning hints, this is a straight up explosive gaseline storm, not a mind fuck. Think of it as your going to see a circus. There's little to none plot, but there is action, like a lot of it and it's so entertaining. Just keep that in mind.

The story of mad max is simple: bad ass chick steal's women from the big scary mask guy. Big scary mask guy gets pissed, and start's chasing the bad ass chick. And then stuff explode like hell in the background.
The name of the film is mad max but max is not really the main person. The main protagonist is actually the bad ass chick, Furiosa. Furiosa is the strongest female lead in a long time. While Max is just trying to survive, Furiosa is really trying to save the women from Immortal Joe ( that's the name of the big scary mask guy). She is a excellent driver, good fighter and and know's what she is doing and it's refreshing to see that kind of female lead. While Max is a man of few words (almost literally) who mostly just grunts and does what he can to survive, he still is a entertaining character. Max has these visions from hes past that could needed a little bit of explaining. Maybe they do prequel of sequel based on those i hope. Other characters in the movie are the main villain Immortal Joe, a "warboy" named Nux (who is awesome!) and the brides of Joe.

Fury road is about 2 hours of almost pure action. It's rare to see those kind of movies without making the pacing of the film feel weird and akward. At times it slows down to develop the plot and characters but most of the time these is just madness. And like my hype suggest it's good.

One of the things that bothered me was the "gas problem". The gas in this world is suppose to be valuable and stuff, But still you have enough of it to drive dozen's of huge cars and make a flamethrower guitar? I thought that was little bit unnecessary.

Long story short: this is a hell of a ride, go see it if you can. Trust me you wont be disappointed.

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Introducing: 3D printing

Only your imagination and gravity is the limit:

Have you ever thought to your self "man, if only i could make that my self." Well now you probably can. 3D printing has been a raising form of technology for couple of years now, and it's keeps on growing as we speak. Only limitations that it has (as the title hints) is your imagination and gravity. Let's talk about it a little shall we? 

Little bit of History 

One of the "fathers" of 3D printing is considered to be Hideo Kodama.  In 1981, Hideo Kodama of Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute invented two AM fabricating methods of a three-dimensional plastic model with photo-hardening polymer, where the UV exposure area is controlled by a mask pattern or the scanning fiber transmitter. Then in 1984, Chuck Hull of 3D Systems Corporation, developed a prototype system based on this process known as stereolithography, in which layers are added by curing photopolymers with ultraviolet light lasers. Hull defined the process as a "system for generating three-dimensional objects by creating a cross-sectional pattern of the object to be formed," but this had been already invented by Kodama.
The history of this thing goes on for some time so if you want to read more about it, i recommend that you go visit the wikipedia link from right here: 

The basics ideas and principles

So if you desire to print anything you probably need these equipment: A computer, some kind of CAD (computer aided design) program, of course a 3D printer, and if you want to get super fancy you can also get some sort of 3D scanner.Spoiler: this is not the cheapest of hobby's. I highly recommend that you go test this in somewhere before you add this to your santa's wishlist. If you live in the Uusimaa area, most of the big local library's have printers in customer use, and are you ready for the best part? It's 100% free! So go check them out if you can. It's a good way to get started and learn the basics.    

My own experiences

I worked for 7 weeks at Sello's library's "paja" department, and i used a lot of 3D printers. We had 2 models of printers. The finnish model called Mini factory, and 2 of the dutch model called Ultimaker 2.
 The Mini factory was kinda slow and noisy piece of hardware. I mean it did what it meant to do but when you started printing with this thing you can clearly see that it's not the best. The noise that this machine made was kinda funny time to time. It sound's  like a form of dupstep or some other electronic music and not in a good way. The noise is not that bad, but when you put this thing in the middle of a library? Yeah......

In the other hand, The Ultimaker was lovely piece of equipment. It's super easy to use (literally like 10  year old kid can use it) and the quality of the stuff it makes is pretty damm good.  All you needed to do is put the file of the thing you wanted to print to a sd card (the file needs to be on stl format) and put the card into the Ultimaker and that's pretty much it!
Both Ultimaker and Mini factory use pla plastic as the priting material. It's kinda cheap (like 30€ per roll) and it's not toxic in any way. You could basically make a cup and drink from it. 

Final thoughts

If you did not already notice, i really like this technology. It's just so extensive. If you surf on the web you can notice that you can make some life changing stuff with this. New houses, bones, tools, parts and even food! Im really interested to see where can this go in the near future. Because this thing can almost literally solve some pretty hard situations.
Of course it has some bad things. What if this goes to wrong hands? Criminals printing guns, Knives, keys or something like that. Some "powers" in this world at the wrong hands are kinda dangerous. To make this sound more epic, id like to quote spiderman and say: With great power, comes great responsibility. And that's true with every new piece of technology. We can only hope and see if this wonderful thing does not get out of hand.  

But that's all of my typing for today. I hope you got something out of this little post (if there is annoying typos or wrong information, sorry) And im out. Bye! (weird to say bye on the internet.....)

5 kommenttia:

  1. pla plastic = PLA-plastic?

    Some errors: priting = printing

    Interesting stuff, but why all the memes'?

    1. Yeah sorry about the typos.
      And the meme thing: That's just my thing :)

  2. Excellent work and great insight into 3D printing!

  3. Thank you, this was good introduction to 3D printing! It´s clear that you are really interested in this topic.Hopefully you could use your experience when applying for a job.

  4. Hello Sebastian,

    excellent work once again on your anti-virus thing and a truly fun and insightful review of Mad Max movie!
